Tuesday, February 7, 2012

New Cyber Piracy Law

A bill that will protect individuals from being victimized by cyber pirates who register the domain names of other people.  Its unfair to register the domain name of another person with the intent to destroy them in a bad way.  The law is supposed to make simple statement that a person should not have to pay a person who stole their name to get it back.  They are making a protection for names that are not trademarked and the names promising newcomers who may  not meet the federal sufficiency famous standards but their names might get pirated.  The law makes it illegal to cyber squat on any names until the person whose name is being used has to offer money for their site.  Courts can now order violations to restore money or property acquired by such practices and can order a fine of $2,500 per incident.  They passed the bill without votes by Legislative. 

I believe that the court is right to set this law due to wrong doing to their site. They shouldnt have to pay any money to have thier own site not violated.  These cyber pirates need caught and need to stop all of this.  To order a fine to the cyber pirates for violation is whats right. 
Source: http://www.sfgate.comcgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2000/08/23/BU109207.DTL

1 comment:

  1. Cyber piartes registering the domain names of other peoples, is like online fraud? To me! If someone can use another person name to register the domain they are acting as that corpartion or person. Noone would Know it was a cyber pirate untill and if they were caught. We need to set an act for protect so there can no longer be cyber pirates.
